Africa Youth Leadership Forum (AYLF) is a collaborative initiative that brings together young leaders (University Student leaders, students, Alumni and Young Professionals) across the continent, from both public and private institutions for mentorship, training, networking, capacity building and community service & impact. We seek to advance values and principles that promote transformation and servant leadership.

AYLF is a Non-Governmental and Not for Profit Youth Organization, registered in Rwanda as a social company limited by guarantee.

Formed in 2007, AYLF is now operating in over 31 Campuses in both public and private institutions in Rwanda with 90 Volunteering-Small group Coordinators and over 100,000 of lives of young people were impacted by our programs. AYLF is now present in Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, DR Congo, and South Sudan with a future plan to reach out to Young Leaders and Young Professionals across all countries in Africa.


What We Believe Leadership Is:

At AYLF, we believe leadership is being self-aware, having the ability to identify and meet community needs for transformation while inspiring them to exploit their gifts and potential. 

This is through a commitment to L.I.F.E: 

                                                                       * Love maintaining a Jesus-centered culture of unconditional love, among ourselves and our neighbors, appreciating our diversity (religious, political, racial, etc.), seeking to be united and reconciled with self, with each other, and with our Creator, viewing all as equal created in the image of God and willing to reach out to the least in our society.

                                                                       * Integrityfocusing on a value-centered wholesomeness of individual character in both our private & public lives as a foundation for trust and confidence in our community and in our organization for the vision, people we lead, resources and responsibilities entrusted to us as leaders.

                                                                       * Friendshipplacing a priority on building meaningful & long-term relationships among staff and beneficiaries, realizing that our higher purpose, the spiritual life, can only be lived out through our relationships with each other as brothers and sisters.

                                                                       * Excellence committing to excellence in professional and organizational terms, being strategic in our learning and growth, being transparent in our dealings and decision making, and striking a balance between formality and informality in our work so as to not lose sight of the bigger picture at hand.


Our Mission is to be a movement of friends and nurture a new breed of leaders in Africa, based on the leadership qualities, values, and principles of Jesus of Nazareth as exemplified by some of the history’s greatest statesmen and women.


Our AYLF Vision is: “A transformed leadership culture in Africa.”


Our 4 Core Values:  
   spell “L.I.F.E.”


Love – We maintain a Jesus-centered culture of unconditional love, among ourselves and our neighbors, appreciating our diversity (religious, political, racial, etc.), seeking to be united and reconciled with self, with each other, and with our Creator, viewing all as equal created in the image of God and willing to reach out to the least in our society.

Integrity – We focus on a value-centered wholesomeness of individual character in both our private & public lives as a foundation for trust and confidence in our community and in our organization for the vision, people we lead, resources and responsibilities entrusted to us as leaders.

Friendship – We place a priority on building meaningful & long-term relationships among staff and beneficiaries, realizing that our higher purpose, the spiritual life, can only be lived out through our relationships with each other as brothers and sisters.

Excellence – We commit to excellence in professional and organizational terms, being strategic in our learning and growth, being transparent in our dealings and decision making, and striking a balance between formality and informality in our work so as to not lose sight of the bigger picture at hand.